Whether it's Trade-A-Plane or Controller.com, many GA pilots spend a fair amount of time window shopping for their dream plane. It's fun and results in a smile. But then the spreadsheet comes into play as the prospective plane owner starts to rationalize and compare rental costs vs. the cost of ownership. Soon, the math starts to make sense and it's time to take next steps. Hey, this can happen!
But what are those next steps? What questions need to be asked and where are the answers found. Will my "significant other" support me? How do I broach the subject? All of a sudden the simple finance question has turned into a long and unknown journey into the abyss. Well, maybe not. This week on SimpleFlight Radio, Marc and Brandon sit down with two members of Leading Edge Flying Club (KPWK), who are part of a larger group of members that are asking for some answers on how to go about buying a plane. Andy Thome and Edward Forman have similar missions, but different budgets and goals for what they are trying to achieve. Tune in to hear the process they've followed to date and the path they've laid out in front of them. We're interested to have you join the discussion with your opinion and any questions you have of the SimpleFlight crew. And at the same time, share your thoughts with the rest of the SimpleFlight Facebook and Instagram community @simpleflightradio Thanks for being a part of the SimpleFlight Family!!!
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