As President of the Leading Edge Flying Club in Chicago, Marc meets a lot of "avgeeks"; each with a story that connects them to our special aviation family. Recently Marc met Nathan Dial, an Air Force Captain who moved to Chicago on a 3 year sabbatical to earn his PhD.
Prior to coming to Chicago, Nate was flying C-130's as a Flight Commander of Group Current Operations, 55th Electronic Combat Squadron, Davis-Monthan Air Force Base, in Tucson. His resume of accomplishments and decorations is lengthy, and especially impressive, considering it's all happened in less than 10 years. Not surprisingly, Nate's success has been the result of his intelligence, hard work, and understanding that the successful completion of every flight is based on how well the crew works as a team, and not due to any single crew member. We know you will enjoy getting to know Nate. Let us know if you have any other questions you'd like us to ask him. Also, please share your ideas with the entire SimpleFlight Facebook and Instagram community @simpleflightradio Thanks for being a part of the SimpleFlight Family!!!
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